The essential addition to any facial or as a standalone therapy, this peeper-perfecting treatment includes a wrinkle-renovating pumpkin enzyme peel to kickstart your undereye skin recharge. The highlight of this "eye-cial" is the Eye Sonic therapy using hyaluronic acid. Eye Sonic infuses hyaluronic acid into the skin more effectively than manual application, promoting healthy, hydrated, and younger-looking skin.

This eye-opening treat ends with hydrating gel pads to soothe, calm and rejuvenate undereye skin, leaving the "windows to your soul" looking fabulous.

Standalone price: S141.70

Add-on price: S$109

Best for: Skin smoothening, line reducing, de-puffing

Not for: Sunburn, post-laser, pregnant patients

Suitable skin types:


Special notes:

This is great as an add-on to any existing facial.

Standalone prices applicable when treatments done alone. Add-on prices are applicable when treatments done concurrently with another full facial or full aesthetic treatment.


A - Fine lines, Wrinkles

B - Blemished, Acne-prone skin

C - Clogged pores

D - Dull, Tired skin