Trina Goh, 40

I’ve heard of the skin-rejuvenating goodness of Neogen Plasma and was pleased to hear that this treatment was included in the Cold Plasma Facial.

I’ve always loved having a facial done at SW1 and decided to give the Cold Plasma facial a try. The facial started off with the basics of having my make-up removed, my face cleansed and exfoliated, followed with a hydrating mask that was left on for 10 minutes. The therapist explained that the mask would aid with the Cold Plasma treatment by getting the skin to be more moisturised and hydrated prior to the treatment. As always, the therapist proceeded with a hand massage while the mask was sitting on my face. This is definitely one of my highlights having a facial here in SW1!

The Cold Plasma treatment was painless, as reassured by my therapist. I felt short bursts of air as the therapist moved the handpiece all over my face. Areas where my skin was thinner, such as the undereye area and the forehead, I could feel it being warmer but still very comfortable.

The facial ended with a mixture of Vitamin C and White Plasma infused into my skin which brightened up my complexion instantly.

Day 1 after my facial, I’m pleased to say my skin looks glowing and smoother. Even my pores appeared smaller! I loved the way my skin looked so much I decided to go without foundation and instead applied some bronzer to my skin.

I love how this facial is fuss-free and delivers the results quickly! Highly recommend this to anyone looking for a quick glow!

[ 9/10 ]

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