Here’s how you can age beautifully

Line and wrinkles, sagging skin and slower metabolism all will eventually happen even to the best of us. While we can’t escape aging, who’s to say we can’t do it beautifully and gracefully? Here are some essential tips to make that journey a little more pleasant.

#1 Drink more water

There’s no denying this is one the most important ways to maintaining a healthy glow. Drinking  plenty of water a day works wonders for keeping skin moisturised and hydrated and you even notice visible results in as little as 30 days if you keep to this simple habit consistently.

Read more: The surgery-free makeover

#2 Avoid smoking

Besides having a negative impact on your health, smoking causes skin to develop premature signs of aging. In other words, it can speed up the aging process with the appearance of more fine lines and wrinkles.

#3 Sunscreen

A good sunscreen always never fails to come up tops when we’re on the topic of essential skincare. Spending long periods of time in the sun without any protection will surely cause sun damage and this as we all know lead to visible signs of aging. A simple solution is to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and it must be applied daily.

Read more: Why you should include Glycolic Acid in your skincare routine

#4 Have an antiaging skincare routine

Using the right products for your skin as it goes through the different phases of aging is key. It boils down to knowing what your skin lacks and needs in order to rejuvenate itself and look the best it can be. Key ingredients to include in one’s antiaging routine include Vitamin C, retinol and hyaluronic acid. With their forces combined, you can be assured that your skin is kept in tip top shape, battling and protecting it signs of aging.

#5 Take care of your neck

An antiaging skincare routine is all well and good but if you’re keeping everything to above the jawline, then you’re doing your neck any justice. The neck area should be seen as extension of your skincare routine and a little TLC will go a long way in ensuring your neck doesn’t end up looking older than your face. A good neck oil that is moisturising and non-comedogenic is all you need to treat and firm up this area that is prone to wrinkles and sagging.

Read more: 6 reasons why you should be using jojoba oil

#6 Practice self care

Especially with all that’s been happening around us, changes and uncertainty and be stressful. Remember to take time out every now and then to take care of yourself, physically and mentally. Be it meditation, a series of stretching exercises or just relaxing with a facial massage or a warm bath, these acts of self care can be extremely beneficial to yourself.