Go-to skincare ingredients to treat pigmentation

Pigmentation also known as hyperpigmentation is a skin condition that causes uneven skin tone and colour by way of dark patches and spots. These dark patches are a result of excess melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin colour.

This skin concern is more common that you think and can be triggered by acne, hormonal changes, aging and sun exposure.

For many Asian women, a flawless, even skin tone is the epitome of perfect skin and if pigmentation is your bane of life, here are some skincare ingredients to reach for the next time you’re shopping for skincare products to even out your skin tone.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C works by blocking melanin production which in turn reduces hyperpigmentation. This helps your skin to appear brighter. Vitamin C is also known to be a potent antioxidant which helps to protect skin cells from further damage both from the sun and pollution.

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Retinol, a form of Vitamin A, is a must-have when it comes to treating hyperpigmentation. This ingredient is well known for encouraging skin cell turnover, as it exfoliates older darker skin cells and bringing healthier new cells to the surface.


Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid is an organic acid and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known to suppress melanin production. Being organic, this is a gentler acid and is safe for use on sensitive skin and even for pregnant women who might notice their skin becoming more pigmented during the course of their pregnancy due to hormonal changes.



Arbutin is considered to be a natural form of hydroquinone, a chemical that bleaches your skin. With consistent use over time, arbutin could help to brighten up skin tone while lightening existing blemishes and pigmented spots.

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If you’re using any of the above-mentioned ingredients, it’s even more important to be diligent with sunscreen as these ingredients do make your skin more prone to sun damage, with newer skin cells being exposed to the sun.

Conscientious use of sunscreen may also help to prevent further pigmentation by preventing skin cells from producing melanin while helping existing hyperpigmentation to fade more quickly.