Skincare mistakes you shouldn’t still be committing in 2022

Another year older, another year wiser isn’t it? Well if there’s truth in that, then by now we should know that a good skincare routine is important for reversing the signs of aging, preventing dullness and improving overall skin health. One thing’s for sure though that you avoid these skincare mistakes from 2022 and forevermore.

Read more: Your guide to glowing skin!

#1 Not cleansing properly

Facial cleansers are essential and akin to the most basic of skincare routines. They get rid of dirt, grime and sweat from the day and ensure that any skincare products you use works because there isn’t a layer of dirt or grease standing in its way.

Cleansing well is even more crucial if you love wearing makeup. For makeup lovers, we recommend a double cleanse to ensure your skin is well cleaned. This doesn’t mean it needs to feel squeaky clean and dry. Well cleaned skin should feel fresh, supple and not dry. If unsure, err towards products that are suited for sensitive skin so you know that what you’re using is gentle and safe for your skin.

#2 Using harsh exfoliators

Exfoliation is good. Scrubbing is bad. Just because you’re exfoliating your face doesn’t mean you need to be excessive about it.

Exfoliators these days come either as physical exfoliators or as chemical exfoliators. If you’re one with a heavy hand, a chemical exfoliator might be better for you. Leave the hard work to the acids to melt away your dead skin cells to reveal brighter, clearer skin.

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#3 Using too many products at the same thing

More is more, right? Wrong.

Using too many skincare products at the same time could do more harm than good, increasing sensitivity and unwanted redness.

There’s no harm in trying a new skincare product but be sure to introduce it gradually. Or you can try alternating your skincare products on different days so you don’t risk plying your skin with too many products all at once.

#4 Using the wrong skincare products

If there’s one thing you need to thoroughly familiar with, it would be your skin type and skin concerns. Take a good hard look at your skin, understand what its issues are and what are your goals for it. Our skin conditions change as we grow older. Dry skin may not be a concern 10 years ago but it may become a problem now. Pigmentation may not be as obvious 5 years ago but suddenly those brown spots are starting to bug you.

Learn to have a good understanding of your skin and don’t be afraid to do some research on the ingredients that work for your skin issues. Go slow and try one product at a time, to be sure it’s suited for your skin type and works for you too.

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