Here’s how to simplify your skincare routine in 2023

If there’s one thing to add to your new year resolution in 2023, that would be to simplify your skincare routine – that’s assuming you haven’t already done so.

Simple is better and even approved by dermatologists. More steps don’t always mean it will be better for your skin. On the contrary, having and using multiple products increase the risk of skin irritation and we don’t know if the ingredients used in all these products will be compatible with each other.  Having less products to use also lessens the chance of forgetting to use a product, which means it’s easier for you to keep track of the regular products that you use.

#1 Identify your skincare goals

This is first and foremost and will make the following steps easier to follow. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself what it is you want to achieve with the skincare you are using. Understand your skin concerns and know what your skin type is.

With this information in mind, you will have a better understanding of the ingredients and products you will need to get you there.

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#2 Quality over quantity

Now have a good look at your products and see if you’re repeating ingredients various skincare products or repeating expected results from various skincare products, for example are you hanging on to various forms of antioxidants in your bathroom cabinet?

Choose the one you feel work the best for you. Using more doesn’t increase the efficacy of the ingredient, consistency does. Meaning you should stick to the one good product and use it for at least 6 to 8 weeks for the product to let it have a chance to make a difference to your skin. This time period allows your skin to go through 3 cycles of skin turnover, allowing any long term results to show on your skin.

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#3 Prioritise your products

Know what your essential skincare products are and build in additional 2 or 3 steps from there, all while still keeping your skincare goals in the back of your head.

Good clean skin is a must so know what you need to thoroughly and effectively clean your skin to get rid of daily grime and makeup. Consider day and night time routines to help you maximise the use of your skincare products. For example, antioxidants in the day and retinol at night?

Consider too how you would layer your products on your skin. Starting off with clean skin, the rule of thumb is to layer starting with the lightest consistency (think toners and essence) to the thickest consistency, which usually means leaving your moisturiser to the last step to seal in all previous layers.

Bearing these steps in mind, simplifying your skincare routine could be a breeze and offer you the skincare benefits you are after at a fraction of the time, and cost.