5 skincare hacks everyone should know for healthy skin

We are all searching for the secret formula to achieve healthier, radiant skin and beyond the vast array of creams and lotions available, there are simpler and more cost-efficient ways to help you achieve the skin of your dreams. Arm yourselves with these skincare hacks for your next skincare purchase to shop wisely.   

#1 Patch Testing

Before incorporating any new skincare ingredient into your routine, it's crucial to perform a patch test. Apply a small amount of the product onto a discreet area of your skin (like your inner forearm) and wait 24-48 hours to see if any adverse reactions occur. This helps to determine if the ingredient is suitable for your skin and prevents potential irritation or allergic reactions.

 Read more: Debunking common skincare and makeup myths

#2 Layering Order

Proper layering of skincare products can significantly enhance their efficacy. As a general rule, apply products from thinnest to thickest consistency. Start with cleansers, then toners, followed by serums or treatments, moisturizers, and finally sunscreen during the day. This ensures that each product can penetrate the skin effectively without interference from heavier formulations.

 Read more: Don’t be fooled: Foundation SPF  vs Sunscreen SPF

#3 Mixing Compatible Ingredients

Some skincare ingredients complement each other and can be mixed together for enhanced benefits. For example, vitamin C and vitamin E work synergistically to boost antioxidant protection and brighten the skin. However, not all ingredients are compatible, such as Vitamin C and Retinol as they require different pH levels to work optimally, so it's essential to research or consult with a dermatologist before combining products.


#4 Targeted Application

Instead of applying skincare products all over your face, consider targeting specific areas based on your skin concerns. For example, if you're dealing with acne, apply acne treatments only to the affected areas rather than all over your face. This approach maximizes the effectiveness of the ingredients while minimizing potential side effects or unnecessary product usage.


#5 Consistency and Patience

Skincare results often take time to manifest, so consistency and patience are key. Stick to a routine for at least a few weeks to allow your skin to adjust and the ingredients to work their magic. Avoid switching products too frequently, as this can disrupt your skin's barrier and lead to irritation or breakouts.

By incorporating these hacks into your skincare routine, you can optimize the effectiveness of your skincare ingredients and achieve healthier, more radiant skin. However, remember that individual skin types and concerns may vary, so it's essential to tailor your routine accordingly and listen to your skin's needs.