5 skincare resolutions you can stick to in 2021

I think we can all agree 2020 has been QUITE a different year. With COVID, lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing and working from home becoming the catchphrases marking this unique year, everyone I know can’t wait to kickstart 2021.

Our skincare too can look forward to some positive changes in the new year that can only bode good things for our complexion.   Here are my favourites for their simplicity, ie you’re more likely to stick to them throughout the year (and beyond) and effectiveness.

 Read more: Keep the Party Count High… and Your Calorie Count Low.

#1 Drink more water

Women should ideally drink 2.7L of fluids per day and men, 3.7L. Adequate intake of water will ensure your skin glowing and healthy and this is so easy to enforce. Simply buy yourself a huge water bottle and aim to consume your intake by the end of day.


#2 Remove your makeup

With the likes of facial cleansing oil and makeup remover wipes at your disposal for easy, fuss-free makeup removal, there simply is no excuse. Going to bed with clean skin is one of the best things you can do for it to keep breakouts and clogged pores away!

 Read more: Chin Fillers: The next ‘it’ aesthetic treatment to get

#3 Clean your skin properly

When cleaning your skin, remember it’s not a race. Try to clean your face for at least 60 seconds to effectively get into all the different parts of your face and effectively get rid of any gunk hiding in your pores. Not sure if you’re sticking to 60 seconds? Get an electric cleansing brush – these are usually timed at 60 seconds and lets you know when it’s time up!


#4 Sunscreen. Everyday.

Make this a part of your skincare routine. Be it sunny, cloudy or rainy, never skip on SPF. Protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays, so that your skin steers clear from sun damage – the nasty that’s causing you to age faster.

 Read more: 2020’s skincare hero ingredients that are a must-buy!

#5 Don’t forget your neck           

When we think skincare, we always tend to focus on just the faces. The skin on our neck area is often neglected despite it being thinner and more delicate than the skin on our faces. You don’t want a neck that looks older than your face, do you? Extend your skincare routine to your neck or better yet, find a product that’s suited for the neck area, to keep those lines and wrinkles away.