Chemical vs mineral (physical) sunscreen: Which to choose?

Chemical vs mineral (physical) sunscreen: Which to choose?

We all know sunscreen is a non-negotiable. Not just limited to beach holidays or time by the pool, sunscreen should and must be used daily to protect the skin from the harmful and aging effects of the sun. One of the best ways to be consistent with sunscreen is to find one you enjoy using but which to choose? Enter any shop and you will find sunscreens that are labelled, mineral, physical or chemical. If the labels are confusing for you, you are in the right place and we are here to break down the various sunscreens for you.

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The new ways to protect against the sun

The new ways to protect against the sun

Sun protection has been spoken off for eons. We all know what it means – slathering a layer of thick, white cream on your skin. It may not always feel comfortable, in fact many have decided AGAINST sun protection for how sticky it can feel on the skin, AND also how ghostly (or more likely ghastly) white your skin becomes. Basically, it doesn’t feel good nor does it look good.

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