If you’re above 30, these are your must-have antiaging skincare

Antiaging for many is a process that doesn’t start till they are in their 40s or 50s. But did you know that your skin starts to age as early as in your 20s? In fact, once you hit your mid-20s, it’s not uncommon to notice fine lines, and loss of volume and elasticity in your skin as our bodies slowly stop producing collagen.

When it comes to antiaging, it’s never too early to get your foot in. Read on for these must-have skincare ingredients to slow down the aging process.


Retinol has long earned the reputation of being THE antiaging ingredient to go to, and for good reason. Retinol is derived from Vitamin A and works deep in the deeper layers of the skin to help with collagen remodelling and also on the skin surface to promote skin cell turnover, that’s great for improving skin discolouration and evening out skin tone.

Retinol, however, may have reluctantly earned itself a bad reputation for being harsh to the skin. The key to using retinol is to read up on its formulation. Instead of looking for retinols with the highest percentage or strength, look for those that includes antioxidants and soothing ingredients that will help to strengthen the moisture barrier while retinol is left to work its magic on your skin.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and antioxidants are great for the skin as they help to protect the skin from UV and free radical damage. Vitamin C also helps to build collagen and helps to combat hyperpigmentation in the skin’s superficial layers.

For an even more powerful formula, look for Vitamin C serum that is formulated with ferulic acid – ferulic acid is both a powerful antioxidant and a stabiliser for Vitamin C formulas. These two ingredients work well to stimulate collagen production while also neutralising free radicals responsible for damaging collagen in our bodies.

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Niacinamide, a Vitamin B3 compound and has been theorized to repair damaged skin cells and reproduce healthy skin cells.

In a study where women applied moisturiser containing 5% niacinamide, the results showed significant improvements in hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles.

It comes as no surprise then that niacinamide is slowly gaining renown as an effective antiaging ingredient and is found in many over the counter skincare products these days.

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Hyaluronic Acid

Our skin naturally produces hyaluronic acid and as you can imagine, it starts to deplete as we age. Hyaluronic acid used topically can help to counter this effect and is particularly effective for dry skin types. Dry skin and wrinkles love hyaluronic acid as it works as a potent hydrator.

Using hyaluronic acid regularly will help to boost skin hydration levels, keeping skin soft and supple.


Saving the best for last, sunscreen is something we can never get enough of, especially if you’re looking to slow down the aging process. When it comes to skincare, prevention is key and ideally, that you start to implement sunscreen into your daily regime from an early age.

Sunscreen not only protects your skin from sun damage, it also helps to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation. So whether you’re indoors or out, sunscreen is vital for healthy skin more youthful-looking skin as you get older.